14 Things To Quit In 2025
Jan 11, 2025QOTW
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."
— E.E. Cummings
In this week’s dose, I share 14 things to quit in 2025 to make you feel lighter, more at peace, and focused.
Which do you think is more effective in improving overall well-being? Having LESS negative thoughts or MORE positive thoughts?
Studies show it’s having LESS negative thoughts by a long shot. Health (mental, physical, emotional) is more about what we don’t do than what we do.
The more I go down this path, the more I realize I’m going through a removal process. Removing all that isn't me to reveal the real me that's been there all along. I crave to simplify and strip away all that is not helping me.
Because it turns out what is underneath it all is pretty magical.
When I release thoughts that drive me into a stressed, survival state I feel at peace. When I let go of feelings of insecurity, I feel rooted and secure. When I let go of unhealthy coping, I’m left with spaciousness in which I can FEEL.
It’s amazing, though counterintuitive and difficult to become proficient in.
14 things to quit in 2025:
1. Punishing yourself for not being “there” yet.
Quit measuring your worth by milestones you haven’t reached. Where did these milestones come from? Who set them as YOUR defining metrics? When did you agree to them?
Is it worth it to beat yourself up like this? When is enough enough? When are you going to choose peace and joy in THIS moment?
Progress isn’t linear anyway.
Your path is unique to you.
You’re right where you’re meant to be.
(Otherwise, you wouldn’t be where you are.)
2. Holding on to pain you’ve outgrown.
Pain is an amazing teacher. But holding on to it keeps you stuck in the past. You aren’t that person anymore.
Let go and make space for who you are becoming. For the person you were put on earth to be.
3. Relationships that drain your soul.
Life is too damn short to give your time, energy, and attention to people who suck the life out of you. And your social environment has too big of an influence on you to keep energy vampires around. If they aren’t growing with you, it’s okay to let them go.
It doesn’t mean you care any less. It doesn’t mean you’ll be mean to them. It just means you’re prioritizing your peace.
4. Comparing yourself to others.
Comparison feeds your ego, not your soul. Someone else’s life has nothing to do with you. You have no idea what they’ve been through or what they’re going through. And frankly, it doesn’t matter.
Your peace deepens when you shift your focus to your growth & evolution because what else is there to do?
5. Talking down to yourself.
Your words create your reality. You get to CHOOSE the words you speak to yourself.
Less negative thoughts > more positive thoughts.
Practicing identifying with the loving awareness that is observing everything you experience. Simply notice your thoughts like passing leaves on a stream.
Talk to yourself like you would cheer on your best friend.
6. Living in reaction mode.
Choosing intentionality over reaction gets you out of survival mode.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. Learn to expand that space. Love that space. Find peace in that space.
This is where you’ll find your power.
7. Pretending you’re someone you’re not just to fit in.
Wearing a mask every day is exhausting. You are 1 of 1.
The world needs your authentic self to shine through. We’re craving your light.
8. Choosing comfort over growth.
Lack of meaning is crushing men. I believe a lack of growth and challenge leads to a lack of meaning. Growth can be painful, but not as painful as being stagnant. Comfort is the enemy of transformation.
Get uncomfortable. You don’t have to walk across America, but give yourself a WORTHY challenge to work toward.
9. Running from hard conversations.
The conversations you’re avoiding are the key to your freedom. Avoiding truth doesn’t erase it. It just makes it heavier to carry.
When we speak truth - to ourselves and to others - it strengthens us. Avoiding truth weakens us in the same way lying does.
10. Using alcohol or drugs to cope with uncomfortable feelings.
Quit reaching for things that numb your pain. The growth, peace, and freedom you seek is on the other side of the pain you refuse to acknowledge. Your pain is begging you to FEEL it.
And without purpose, people seek pleasure. Start working toward things that fulfill you.
Your pain and lack of fulfillment are coming from a lack of self-connection.
11. Mistaking busy for productive.
Hustle without intention leads to burnout. And material success means nothing without internal peace. Get clear on what your North Star is. Get clear on WHY that is important to you. Get clear on what impact that will have on your life.
Focus on what matters most, not what fills time.
12. Living for external validation.
You will never feel worthy if you keep leaving it up to others to give it to you.
The validation you seek is due to a lack of self-love and acceptance.
It can only come from within.
13. Making excuses (for anything).
Your breakthroughs will come when you stop blaming and start owning.
Excuses keep you in a victim mindset. Excuses delay you getting to a solution.
It all starts with you. Things that happened to you may not have been your fault, but how you move forward is your responsibility.
14. Abandoning yourself to please others.
How long have you been trying to live up to a version of you that doesn’t ruffle the feathers of others?
Every time you abandon yourself, you deny your truth and you weaken yourself.
Every time you betray your needs to try to regulate someone else’s nervous system, you hurt yourself.
Quit making yourself smaller just to be accepted.
How many of these resonated with you?
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