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5 Silent Signs Your Breakthrough Is Coming

Jan 25, 2025


"The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence."

– Napoleon Hill

In this week’s dose, I share 5 silent signs that you're growing, even when it’s hard to see.

For most of my life, growth meant achieving big wins or hitting milestones—something you could see and measure. Something you could show to others.

But the longer I walk this path, the more I realize that real growth doesn’t always look or feel that way.

Most growth happens in the quiet moments.

It happens in the days when you feel stuck, lost, or like you’re moving backward.

It happens when you feel like nothing’s changing—even though everything is.

I come back to the bamboo analogy...

For ~4 years, bamboo grows roots underground with nothing to show for it above ground. Then, in one season, it grows nearly 100 feet in the air.

To the untrained eye, the transformation looks sudden, but it isn’t.

It’s a result of years of work happening beneath the surface.

If you’re in a season where you feel like nothing’s happening, trust this: growth IS taking place—even if you can’t see it yet.

Here are 5 silent signs that growth is happening to you:

1. You’re Asking Bigger Questions

When life feels unclear, you start asking yourself questions you might have avoided in the past:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I really want?
  • What is my true calling and purpose?
  • Am I living in alignment with that purpose?
  • What’s holding me back?
  • Why I do allow that to hold me back?

These questions don’t exactly feel like progress—they feel uncomfortable.

But they signal that you’re starting to dig deeper into your truth. These questions are pointing you toward your Source. 

Once you start asking these questions, there’s no going back to living the old way. It’s impossible to ignore the curiosity that pushes you toward seeking a deeper truth.

And your truth is the ultimate fertilizer for growth.

That’s where growth begins.

It’s a HUGE sign.

2. You’re Letting Go of Old Versions of Yourself

Maybe you’re noticing that certain routines, relationships, or identities don’t feel aligned anymore.

It’s painful to outgrow the familiar—it feels like you're losing a part of yourself.

But in reality, you’re making space for something new to emerge.

If it were easy, we’d all be enlightened beings. These old versions of us do NOT want to be discarded, so they’ll hang on for dear life. They begin white-knuckling as you get close to ditching them for good.

But once you can let go, your true self begins to emerge.

It'll first feel like loss before it feels like growth.

3. You Feel Stuck or Unmotivated

Feeling stuck doesn’t mean you’re failing. It means you’re in the messy middle of growth.

It’s a feeling that creates a purposeful stirring within you—a sign to keep pushing through.

It’s like a seed underground—nothing looks like it’s happening, but everything is happening. Your mind and body are rewiring, processing, and preparing for what’s next.

This "fog" is part of the process. Don’t fight it. Trust that it’s working for you.

The key is to keep asking yourself, “What do I need? What am I missing? Where am I not looking? What do I need to let go of? What am I afraid of?”

Allow the answers to come to you. Trust that they will.

4. You’re Learning to Sit With Hard Emotions

Growth doesn’t come from avoiding discomfort—it comes from holding space for it.

And holy shit is this HARD at first. I think it’s the hardest thing we’ll ever do as humans.

To truly learn to sit with the discomfort and suffering you’ve been distracting yourself from your whole life.

When you stop running from fear, sadness, or doubt, you start building emotional resilience.

The ability to sit with hard emotions is a silent sign that you’re growing into a stronger, more grounded version of yourself.

Even if just a little. If you notice yourself being more aware of these feelings—whether in the moment or after the fact—it’s a huge sign of growth.

This is the key to living with more calm, presence, and clarity.

Less and less will life be able to ruffle your feathers.

5. You’re Craving Stillness

When growth is happening, there’s often a deep pull toward stillness.

Maybe you feel the urge to spend more time alone, reflect, or step away from distractions. Stillness feels unproductive, but it’s where breakthroughs happen.

It’s where you reconnect with yourself and hear the guidance of your next step.

Too often we go through life at the mercy of our inner voice. Our actions dictated by it's volatile and negative nature.

Stillness allows us to be with the space between words, between breaths.

In that space, we tap into the source of our true nature and our truth.

This is the space that guides us to those profound answers we’ve been asking.

If you find yourself craving stillness—even a little bit—you are making immense progress.

If you’re in a season where things feel slow, messy, or unclear, take a breath.

The work is happening. Your roots are growing.

Your season of visible growth is right around the corner.

Remember: the biggest transformations rarely feel like transformations in the moment. They feel like struggle, stillness, or even loss. But when the breakthrough comes, you’ll look back and see that it was all preparing you.

Trust the process.

You’re exactly where you need to be.

Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help:

1. 30-Day Get Unstuck Playbook: Join 100+ men in my self-guided program. This was crafted to fit into your busy life, whether you’re juggling work, family, or hobbies. You'll get a clear game plan to execute and 10+ actionable lessons.  
2. 7-Day Mental Health Reset: Get my free guide to reset your internal operating system so you can have more energy, focus, & clarity each day.  
3. Ascend Mastermind: Join 85+ men who have joined my mastermind program to beat burnout, optimize their health, and join a community of purpose-driven men. This program is by application and interview only, so book a consultation to learn more.

+ Walk Across America: If you'd like to support my mission to raise awareness for men's mental health and suicide prevention, consider donating to my GoFundMe below.
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