Finding Peace: Navigating the Mind

Jun 22, 2024

🗣️ Quote of the Week:

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." – Albert Einstein

In this week’s dose, I explore how our mind shapes how we see the world. 

Here's the dirty truth about being an entrepreneur…

It’s sucks.
It’s awesome.

It's worse than a 9-5.
It’s way better than a 9-5.

It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
It’s easier than being in a role I hated.

As I sit here and watch my mind go back and forth between these thoughts…

I can’t help but laugh.

Ahh, how fickle the mind is.

And THIS is the tool we allow to dictate our lives?!

A reminder of how subjective perspectives are

They can change moment to moment.

Both are true.
Both are false.

Depends on what part of my mind I want to agree with.

But when I identify with either of them, it changes how I see the world around me.

It impacts my work. It impacts my mood. It impacts my relationships.

Some days my mind says it’s great, others it says it’s not.

I’m learning not to get caught with either though.

To instead just notice them. To see the world unfolding in front of me as neutral.

It is exactly what it is. Doing what it’s supposed to do.

Nothing more, nothing less. And my thoughts are just what they are.

I don’t have to make them mean something or allow them to run my day.

I can live a place where I simply notice it all unfolding in front of me.

In total peace.

Separating from the one who is doing and just becoming an observer…

A witness to it all.

I’ve been entering this space more and more lately.

Super interesting stuff and pretty rad to experience.

It’s like I’m floating.

Not attached to the good not attached to the bad, yet it feels like I’m lifted up by something powerful.

This level of presence (and what feels like nothingness) doesn’t bring apathy at all… it brings a sense of joy, love, and good-feels that are the ultimate mood booster.

Worries are gone.

They don’t seem to have a ground to stand on.

How could I ever fail from this place?

Failure isn’t even real here - I see clearly that failure it’s all within the mind anyway.

Really incredible perspective to experience.

I feel like I’m thinking less in this place yet know exactly what to do when I need to do it.

What needs to get done gets done.

I’m more creative because there’s nothing getting in the way of that creative flow.

I don’t overeat or skip meditations or take weed gummies because I’m not trying to escape anything.

There’s nothing to numb or avoid here.

The hard part for me is that this feeling has been fleeting.

Recently it came on for over 2 weeks but slowly drifted away.

3 months before that, it came for about 10 days then left.

And when it has escaped me, I’ve felt like I hit a lower point than I was at previously.

So the contrast has been challenging to deal with.

But I’ve also noticed that my time in the low points is significantly shorter than it has been in the past.

Like I’ve built a better capability to bounce back.

More aware of the negative “black hole” perspectives that try to keep me stuck.

It helps to share this with someone. I don’t have many people I can share this with who have experienced it, so it helps to try and articulate what I’m noticing.

Does this make sense?
Does this resonate with you?


P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you get more clarity, better performance, and improved health:

1: Watch my free training
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